SESMA Live! Event Recap

Here I am at the Anderson House in Washington DC for the SESMA Live! networking event with my friend Holly Star from CPR! So great to get out and see many friends in the event industry. The SESMA team did a great job on safety. Originally scheduled for the garden, a late afternoon drizzle force the event indoors. That’s how we roll in the event industry. The show must go on!

The event was a panel discussion with top DC caterers. It is tough out there for all of the event industry. We must all remember that we did not cause this. Covid sucks and it is ok to feel that way, but negative energy is wasted energy and we all must keep a positive thought. I am an optimist. I know tomorrow will be better.

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The Anderson House is a lovely historic property in DC with gardens and ballrooms perfect for an elegant wedding. Thanks to Glen Hennessey, Director of Marketing & Communications for hosting.

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A special thank you to the panelists:

Katie Gamble Fleury

Director of Sales
Ridgewells Catering

Chap Gage

Susan Gage Caterers

Amit Gulati

Spilled Milk Catering

These are just a few of the long standing professions in the metro DC area that work hard for their clients and the event industry. Best wishes to all.

PS – Ouch! Look at those Dumbo Ears developing on me! A small price to pay for safety – Mask Up, Stay Safe!

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